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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

DCP Update!

Hello Everyone! Here I am, finally making a blog post! I realize I never kept up with this but I honestly never had time. I work 40 hours a week and try to go explore as much as I can. I just wanted to update on a few things and let everyone know where I stand with the College Program!

I have have less than three weeks left of my college program. It is so bittersweet. I have loved most of my time here. I'll miss Disneyland, I'll miss the friends I've made, I'll miss the Grand (sometimes), but I am so ready to go back home. Never thought I could miss a city so much. I'm on my couch starting to pack, cleaning up a bit, and it's so sad to think it's almost over. It went by so fast but I regret nothing. I'm glad I did the program and can't wait to start my journey out in the real world.

I plan on posting a little bit more about everything. A couple of topics that should be posted soon (or eventually):
- Do I recommend the college program?
- Front Desk overview
- Character Dining (I've been to too many...)
- Training for Front Desk
- What to do when you aren't working

Hopefully I will actually keep up with posting. I want to let people who are interested in Front Desk know exactly what it is. I know when I first started researching the program I  had no clue what Front Desk was because no one wrote anything about it. Let's hope I can help at least one person out!